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Augmented Cognition

7 min read

Can the advantages of clinical voice-AI speech recognition technology help reduce DTOC?

DTOC is not just another step in the patient journey, but crucial to care outcomes. Since 2014 the rate of delayed transfers has continued to rise. Can technology built to make HC more efficient, influence DTOCs and NHS’ ability to deal with them?
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3 min read

Why speed is key to improving patient journeys and diagnostics –

With growing waiting lists, strict government targets, and increased demand, everyone involved in diagnostics is under pressure to work faster. But efficiency and speed are also vital to improving the most important thing of all: patient journeys and their outcomes.
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4 min read

The symbiosis of technology in diagnostic reporting…

Pathology as a critical department on the path to diagnosis and treatment, has a vital role to play in simplifying and improving the patient journey; but with structured reporting, restrictive workflows, and legacy technology, unlocking mobility, efficiency and accuracy is proving to be a significant challenge.
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5 min read

Why reporting from anywhere is the future of radiology

Technology has a vital role to play as the radiology profession continues to recover from the impact of the pandemic, workforce shortages, backlogs and changing ways of working. The cloud will be key in maximising productivity gains as radiologists and Trusts look for more efficient ways of working.
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4 min read

How integrated speech drives Radiologists’ performance

Speech recognition empowers radiologists to work more accurately, efficiently and deliver a higher quality of reporting. But unlocking these considerable performance benefits is only possible when a speech recognition solution is deeply integrated with how radiology departments want to work.
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3 min read

The costs of risk and errors in radiology reporting

While next generation speech recognition has the potential to further transform radiology, no change comes without some degree of cost and complexity. But with rising backlogs, a culture of litigation, and growing risk for radiologists in the UK, the costs of doing nothing could be significantly greater.
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