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Jonathan Whitmore

Blog Post by Jonathan Whitmore

4 min read

Enabling Community Based Nurses to focus on patient engagement with accurate speech recognition

While CBNs play a vital role in the community, they’re often a ‘forgotten service’ that fails to benefit from new digital tools. Augnito can close the gap between nursing and digital readiness, with faster, more accurate, more patient-centric ways of working.
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How SR can drive EPR adoption in mental health services and community care

Hidden waiting lists between referral and second appointment cause around 12% of mental health cases to wait longer than 6 months. Demand outpaces the resources available, and adding more resources in terms of people, expertise, and complex technology isn’t the answer.
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The realities of successfully integrating natural SR into mental health services

Workflow benefits alone do not determine the success of integrating new tech into mental health services. As MHPs begin their journey of digital transformation, a wide range of factors need to be considered, including ease of implementation, user adoption, patient data security and costs.
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How natural speech supports vital transformation for mental health services

Rising demand in NHS mental health services and the wider community are facing unprecedented pressure making diagnosing and treating conditions a considerable challenge. Advances in AI speech recognition can support the vital transformation of the service and of its AHPs and MHPs.
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Reducing the impact of DTOC and bed shortages on the most vulnerable patients

While DTOCs, bed shortages and needless hospital stays impact every patient and add pressure to the 7m+ waiting for treatment backlog, the NHS still has a responsibility towards society’s most vulnerable: the frail elderly and sick children.
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The symbiosis of technology in diagnostic reporting…

Pathology as a critical department on the path to diagnosis and treatment, has a vital role to play in simplifying and improving the patient journey; but with structured reporting, restrictive workflows, and legacy technology, unlocking mobility, efficiency and accuracy is proving to be a significant challenge.
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