Augnito Blog

Augnito Blog - Enabling CEOs to act in-line with The Triple Aim

Written by Shiraz Austin | 28 Mar 2024

Continuing our look at the role and responsibilities of Trust and hospital CEOs—and how speech recognition can help—we’re turning our attention to The Triple Aim: three key healthcare priorities that must be carefully balanced to ensure the best possible outcomes.

The past few years have seen the continued evolution and transformation of healthcare, not just in terms of new challenges, but also new models of care and systemic changes. The move away from CCGs to Integrated Care Systems and ICBs is strengthening the connectivity between organisations—but CEOs still face the challenge of bringing everyone together over shared goals and values.

The Triple Aim is one such set of goals: a renewed focus on the vital outcomes that successful healthcare systems deliver.

Understanding The Triple Aim and its expectations

Beyond the day-to-day health of a hospital or organisation, CEOs need a longer-term perspective that considers the bigger picture—beyond waiting times and routine metrics to larger, overarching outcomes.

Developed by The Institute for Healthcare Improvement, an independent body that strives to improve healthcare capability, The Triple Aim is an initiative that was first launched in 2007. In 2021, the UK Health and Care Bill directly referenced this initiative, highlighting a shared duty to ‘have regard to the wider effect of decisions.’

Specifically, The Triple Aim identifies three areas that CEOs and other stakeholders must consider in their decision making:
1. The health and wellbeing of people and populations, leading to the outcome of ‘better health’
2. The quality of services provided or arranged, leading to the outcome of ‘better care’
3. The efficient use of resources and budgets, leading to the outcome of ‘better value’.

Of course, these three areas are involved in a complex relationship. At times they align—better care should lead, in most cases, to better health. In other instances, they compete—the need for better care tends to make better value more difficult to achieve.

By design, Integrated Care Systems support this shared set of ambitions and development effective care, that reaches the entire community, at the best possible value, takes close collaboration between stakeholders. However, CEOs have an important role to play in setting the overall direction for their hospital, Trust or ICS—and the right strategy for innovation and technology can help significantly.

Technology, speech recognition and The Triple Aim

The shared priorities identified in The Triple Aim are designed to ripple through everything a CEO does and every decision taken. Outcomes, equality, efficiency and value are to be perpetual priorities, steering both micro and macro decisions as well as underpinning collaboration with other health and social care organisations.

This mindset also applies to technology. Any new platform or workflow needs to support these outcomes—while also delivering quality and value in its own right. In the words of membership organisation NHS Providers: “Digital technology can be a powerful hook and catalyst for change” but leaders must be “rigorous in ensuring the technologies they are adopting are making a positive difference.”

Speech recognition like Augnito promises to embed into organisations and deliver measurable value with a tangible impact on efficiency and care quality. When healthcare professionals can significantly reduce their admin and reporting time—without compromising on quality—organisations can move faster, respond with more precision, and remove a major barrier to positive outcomes and seamless journeys.

Augnito also integrates into existing technologies and EPR systems, adding the advantage of speech recognition into vital platforms for collaboration and quality assurance. While no technology is an all-encompassing answer to the challenges faced in healthcare, the potential for speech to support CEOs as they strive to deliver on The Triple Aim is huge.

Learn more about Augnito

See how Augnito Spectra aligns with The Triple Aim to improve care and patient journeys while controlling costs and maximising ROI Request a demo, or try Augnito Spectra and see the benefits for yourself.