Augnito Blog

Augnito Blog - Voice recognition addresses Trust CEOs' challenges

Written by Shiraz Austin | 29 Feb 2024

With the ultimate responsibility for everything that happens across an NHS Trust, CEOs are under pressure to lead their organisations to success. Innovations in how healthcare is delivered—and how healthcare professionals are supported—are vital.

Day-to-day, CEOs need to navigate endless complexity and balance the often-competing demands of patients, employees, the wider NHS, and central government. Any efforts to digitalise and innovate will only deliver value if they affect the experience of all these groups—and enable CEOs to deliver a focused yet flexible strategy.

Continuing our look at how speech recognition supports various leaders across NHS Trusts, here’s how CEOs can overcome major pain points and challenges with a cloud-based, AI-driven solution like Augnito.

Empowering CEOs to address short, medium and long-term challenges

One of the most significant complexities facing NHS Trust CEOs is the inherent conflicts between short-term strategies and the long-term vision. As Trusts strive to address pressing issues like long waiting lists, overworked healthcare professionals, and demand that outstrips capacity, it becomes more difficult to consider the bigger picture and plan for the future.

This longer-term planning is key in alignment with wider NHS and government initiatives, including the ‘Triple Aim’. First outlined in the Health and Care Bill in 2021, this overarching ambition for the NHS and government is to create:
• Better health on an individual and population level
• Better care in terms of quality of services
• Better value and the sustainable, efficient use of resources

We’ll be covering the Triple Aim in more depth in a blog post in March but, for now, it’s clear that achieving these aims will be a process of continuous improvement—one that’s made harder if CEOs are busily addressing more overt, immediate challenges in workload and productivity.

Speech recognition can enable people to work faster, more flexibly and more accurately now—and puts Trusts on a path of innovation, data-driven decisions, and increased employee and patient satisfaction.

How can we innovate amid rising costs and financial pressure?
CEOs need to oversee the financial health of the hospital, but budgetary constraints often become barriers to innovation and digitalisation. Crucially, any new technology must deliver measurable value for healthcare professionals and patients. Speech recognition delivered in the cloud strikes a good balance between productivity-enhancing, available-anywhere technology and a simple recurring fee per user with no need for significant capital expenditure.

How can we improve patient and physician satisfaction?
CEOs understand the intrinsic links between the experience of patients and the experience of physicians. If physicians can report faster without sacrificing accuracy, they can keep up with their workloads, become more collaborative, and begin to address backlogs. In this way, accurate speech that saves hours each week directly influences the patient journey and outcomes.

How can we act strategically when demands and market pressures change fast?
One of the biggest challenges for hospital CEOs is the need to take a long-term view and plan strategically in a space that’s difficult to predict. Changing government and NHS priorities, intensifying regulatory compliance, and major healthcare incidents like COVID-19 can happen at a moment’s notice. Cloud-based speech recognition is a practical investment for Trusts because it is flexible by design, can be used in many ways—from desktops to mobile devices—and can be scaled up or down to match demand.

How can we evolve patient records into electronic patient records?
The changing nature of patient records and an increased emphasis on patient access have been priorities for the NHS for several years. CEOs have an important role to play in safeguarding the success of Electronic Patient Record (EPR) projects—not just giving the go-ahead for implementation, but actively supporting other leaders to drive adoption. Integrating speech at the outset of an EPR project is a powerful way to remove complexity and make adopting the EPR as easy as speaking. Designed for integration and interoperability, Augnito can become a central part of how people interact with your EPR—and increase the likelihood of a successful project.

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See how Augnito Spectra delivers measurable benefits now while future-proofing the way you capture patient data. Request a demo and try Augnito Spectra to see the benefits for yourself.